La Sagesse’s Mission is conveyed through its cultural and national commitment deeply rooted in the history of Lebanon. Its origins go back to 1852 when Mgr. Toubia Aoun, Archbishop of the Maronite Archdiocese of Beirut back then, established his seminar in Ain Saadé.
In 1875, Mgr. Youssef Debs, the successor of Mgr. Aoun, considered it more suitable to move to a better location in order to lead the adventure of a cultural revival in the city of Beirut.
He founded « La Sagesse » with its Law Institute that taught Civil Law and the Islami « Fiqh » by well-known Muslim scholars.
This school was as influential as the ancient school of Beryte, the mother of Law, and the Ottoman authority of the Sublime Porte followed thoroughly the development and legalized the diplomas it delivered.
At the end of the past century, Mgr. Paul Matar, Archbishop of Beirut found it adequate to start a new expansion by adding other disciplines than the judicial studies already provided, such as Canon Law, Political Sciences, International Relations, Hotel Management and Business Administration with its different branches.
The faculty of Ecclesiastical Science provides education for catechists and offers theological doctrina, and Church pastoral teaching.
Mgr. Paul Abdel Sater, the Archbishop of Beirut since 2019 and the current Grand Chancellor of the University La Sagesse brought wisdom into the university in the air of modernity, inter alia appointing at its head, and for the first time in the history of Catholic universities in Lebanon, an atheist woman as a rector.
As head of the rectorate, Mgr. Paul Abdel Sater led its mission to reform and accredit the university.
Nowadays, each year on the 25th of January, the university celebrates « St. Paul’s day », the Apostle of the nations.
Sagesse University, through its courses, thrives to serve the young generation, without any discrimination, in order to provide them a distinguished place in the domain of knowledge and access to the business world. This way we are applying the policy of the rector (2001 – 2011), Mgr. Joseph Merhej, aims at giving the young generation work visas instead of passports.
The rigorous teaching provided by the university, based on respect for human and moral values, takes into consideration the requirements of innovation as well as the complicated and various globalization challenges.
From its new main campus located in the North-East of Beirut, at a crossroads joining the different arteries of the country, Sagesse University continues its rational and well-balanced development with new achievements and relationships with other universities. The university promotes its openness and dialogue to move into new horizons.
The tireless efforts of the University Rector and all his collaborators consist, with this in mind, to implement the mission and goals of the University.
بتاريخ 28/2/2025، قرّرت الهيئة الإدارية في اجتماعها
أولاً: دعوة أعضاء الجمعية المنتسبين الراغبين في الترشح لعضوية الهيئة الإداية والمتوافرة فيهم شروط الترشح تقديم ترشيحاتهم بتاريخ أقصاه 25/03/2025 لدى السيدة صونيا نصار في مكتب رئيس الجمعية المحامية راوية الاسطا
ثانياً : تحديد موعد اجتماع الهيئة العامة الناخبة للإجتماع وإبراء ذمة الهيئة الإدارية المنتهية ولايتها وإنتخاب هيئة إدارية جديدة وذلك يوم السبت الواقع فيه التاسع والعشرين الساعة العاشرة صباحاً في حرم الجامعة
عن الهيئة الإدارية
المحامية راوية فكتور الأسطا